Welcome Ladies

What's Going On!!


2012 is here. So many great things have been and are continuing to be planed, so get ready. Stay connected to this site for updates, as there is so much more to come.

July 10, 2010

Hello all,

Vacation is such an awesome and much needed time,but there is truly no place like home. I am so excited about the service tomorrow, after being away for the past two Sundays. Just imagine how you feel when you skip breakfast and lunch. When dinner time arrives we usually say "I am so hungry. Well, that's kind of the feeling. Never minimize the necessity of being in God's presence daily. In that time and place we gain strength that empowers us to ward off the attacks of the enemy.

As it was spoken Wednesday night, When we stay in His presence and exercise the faith that has been given to each of us, there is no limits nor boundaries to where God will take us or how He will bless us. Be blessed and stay connected.

Much Love!


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