Hello Ladies,
I am compelled to encourage you to be free to Love. As stated in 1 Peter 4:8 "Love covers a multitude of sin and fault." Let's take time today to show a special act of love to our spouse, child, parent, friend, or even a stanger. It is what God has called and equipped us to do. Continue to pray one for another, and don't forget corporate prayer at the Life, Saturday's at 6:00 pm.
Enjoy this love letter from our King who is Love.
I have set you free to love others, so don't let people who have caused you pain paralyze you from experiencing the joys of love. I know there is always a risk when you give a piece of your heart away, but I've created you to enjoy the gift of special friendships. Choose wisely the ones that you invest your time and energy in, and also give those you love the freedom to fail. Remember that no one will love you as perfectly as I do. If you let Me take the disappointments that come with relationships, you will be free to give and receive love unconditionally. Remember, most people need love the most when they deserve it the least.
Have a blessed and properous week.
Welcome Ladies
What's Going On!!
2012 is here. So many great things have been and are continuing to be planed, so get ready. Stay connected to this site for updates, as there is so much more to come.
November 9
There is so much to be done and so little time or resources for doing it-isn't that the story of our lives? Well, with all of those things still going on, here is a short update regarding what's new with ALM women ministry. We have begun to seriously build strong relationships. I pray that each woman who is a member of The Life has been contacted. If not, do not lose hope because you will be. If you have or have not received a call or visit, take A step and reach out to someone else. Our goal is to first build a network from in-house that will move beyond the walls of our building. As you freely receive, freely share with others love, support, prayer, and of course, resources. It's contagious, and it will come back to you.
As always, everyone is invited to join our intercessory prayer group every Saturday evening, 6:00 pm at The Life.
Women ministry meetings, Fellowship and fundraising ideas are forthcoming SOON!!, so get ready-get ready- get ready!!!
There is so much to be done and so little time or resources for doing it-isn't that the story of our lives? Well, with all of those things still going on, here is a short update regarding what's new with ALM women ministry. We have begun to seriously build strong relationships. I pray that each woman who is a member of The Life has been contacted. If not, do not lose hope because you will be. If you have or have not received a call or visit, take A step and reach out to someone else. Our goal is to first build a network from in-house that will move beyond the walls of our building. As you freely receive, freely share with others love, support, prayer, and of course, resources. It's contagious, and it will come back to you.
As always, everyone is invited to join our intercessory prayer group every Saturday evening, 6:00 pm at The Life.
Women ministry meetings, Fellowship and fundraising ideas are forthcoming SOON!!, so get ready-get ready- get ready!!!
August 11, 2010
Hi Ladies,
Let us focus on Praying With Power. God has given it (power) to us, and it works really well when we use it properly. Ephesians 6:18 says: "Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayer for all christians," and don't forget the lost. Enjoy this love letter from our King.
My powerful princess, do not waste your walk through life today. Open your spiritual eyes. Prayer is needed everywhere. Anywhere you walk today I can and will order your steps, if you will let Me. Pray while you're driving, while you're cooking, while you're doing laundry and runing errands. Of all the weapons in the world, prayer is your most powerful resource. Don't let the day begin or end without letting your prayers to Me pave the way in all you do. Wherever you go, remember that part of your royal privilege is raising your voice to heaven. So hold on to the promises that are yours and pray!
Your King and Intercessor.
Let us focus on Praying With Power. God has given it (power) to us, and it works really well when we use it properly. Ephesians 6:18 says: "Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayer for all christians," and don't forget the lost. Enjoy this love letter from our King.
My powerful princess, do not waste your walk through life today. Open your spiritual eyes. Prayer is needed everywhere. Anywhere you walk today I can and will order your steps, if you will let Me. Pray while you're driving, while you're cooking, while you're doing laundry and runing errands. Of all the weapons in the world, prayer is your most powerful resource. Don't let the day begin or end without letting your prayers to Me pave the way in all you do. Wherever you go, remember that part of your royal privilege is raising your voice to heaven. So hold on to the promises that are yours and pray!
Your King and Intercessor.
July 22, 2010
The morning following the word ministered by Pastor with God simply saying "I know what I'm doing", I read this devotional. You think God is trying to tell us something? I have fine tuned the frequency of my spiritual ears and pray that you are doing the same. As we become totally devoted to the will, plan and purpose God has designed for us, the body will function properly. Each part will fulfill it's purpose, recognize it's benefit and receive it's reward. Aching joints must heal. We know that when joints don't develop or heal to functionality, they can be replaced (i.e. knee replacement). God knows what He is doing-Just let Him do it.
I can even hear my praise leader saying: there is so much more.
My Princess,
I saw you before you were born. Even then you were on My mind, My daughter. I knew you were coming and I did everything possible to express My love to you and extend My invitiation to you. Now that you are Mine, I want you to continue to come to Me. Come to Me when you feel strong and when you feel weary. Come to Me when you are rejoicing and when your spirit is crushed. I ask you to come not only to give you rest, but also because there is so much more I want to teach you. There is More of Me I want to reveal to you. You see, I did not create you for this fallen world, I created you for Paradise, but the curse of sin tore us apart, I've conquered sin and death for you through the death of My son, so come to Me....and live
Your King who is waiting
I can even hear my praise leader saying: there is so much more.
My Princess,
I saw you before you were born. Even then you were on My mind, My daughter. I knew you were coming and I did everything possible to express My love to you and extend My invitiation to you. Now that you are Mine, I want you to continue to come to Me. Come to Me when you feel strong and when you feel weary. Come to Me when you are rejoicing and when your spirit is crushed. I ask you to come not only to give you rest, but also because there is so much more I want to teach you. There is More of Me I want to reveal to you. You see, I did not create you for this fallen world, I created you for Paradise, but the curse of sin tore us apart, I've conquered sin and death for you through the death of My son, so come to Me....and live
Your King who is waiting
Letter to His Princess'
July 10, 2010
Hello all,
Vacation is such an awesome and much needed time,but there is truly no place like home. I am so excited about the service tomorrow, after being away for the past two Sundays. Just imagine how you feel when you skip breakfast and lunch. When dinner time arrives we usually say "I am so hungry. Well, that's kind of the feeling. Never minimize the necessity of being in God's presence daily. In that time and place we gain strength that empowers us to ward off the attacks of the enemy.
As it was spoken Wednesday night, When we stay in His presence and exercise the faith that has been given to each of us, there is no limits nor boundaries to where God will take us or how He will bless us. Be blessed and stay connected.
Much Love!
Vacation is such an awesome and much needed time,but there is truly no place like home. I am so excited about the service tomorrow, after being away for the past two Sundays. Just imagine how you feel when you skip breakfast and lunch. When dinner time arrives we usually say "I am so hungry. Well, that's kind of the feeling. Never minimize the necessity of being in God's presence daily. In that time and place we gain strength that empowers us to ward off the attacks of the enemy.
As it was spoken Wednesday night, When we stay in His presence and exercise the faith that has been given to each of us, there is no limits nor boundaries to where God will take us or how He will bless us. Be blessed and stay connected.
Much Love!
No Place Like Home
June 10, 2010
Hi ladies,
I have this poem that is posted in my office and I read it practically everyday. I would like to share it with my readers. It just reminds me that in living this life as a child of God, there is no need to fear, doubt, or shy away from who God has made us to be. With that said, as we stand firm, confident and powerful, let us remember to stay humble in ourselves, but be boastful in God. In doing so, we will "Make Him Famous." Enjoy the poem.
Our Deepest Fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?"
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some of us,
it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
-Marianne Williamson-
I have this poem that is posted in my office and I read it practically everyday. I would like to share it with my readers. It just reminds me that in living this life as a child of God, there is no need to fear, doubt, or shy away from who God has made us to be. With that said, as we stand firm, confident and powerful, let us remember to stay humble in ourselves, but be boastful in God. In doing so, we will "Make Him Famous." Enjoy the poem.
Our Deepest Fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?"
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some of us,
it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
-Marianne Williamson-
The Power Within Us
Thought for the Day
Whenever darkness seems
to cloud your veiw,
open your spiritual window blinds,
and let some light in (The Word of God).
to cloud your veiw,
open your spiritual window blinds,
and let some light in (The Word of God).
The Dawn of Day
"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." As God has so graciously blessed us with another day of life, what are we going to do with it? The dawning of a new day reveals God's awesome existance in every aspect of life. The simplist of things that we sometimes take for granted such as: the rising of the sun, getting out of bed, going to work, clean air to breath and so on and on are evidence of His love for each of us. Rejoice in this day, share God's love, give someone a hug and a smile, and most of all give reverence to our KING just because HE is worthy.
Our one goal is to make HIM famous!!
Our one goal is to make HIM famous!!
Only Believe
Hi Ladies
As I continue to burn from the powerful word released yesterday, I have this overwhelming desire to just meditate on the love that God so freely gives us. The joy, safety, comfort, peace, and security that comes with "Total Devotion" is more precious than any words could adequately communicate. But of course, we know He is God alone. I pray that each of our faith levels have skyrocketed to another dimension. The confidence to call those things into existence that seemed so far away. All we have to do is just turn around, and He is right there in our face. We can just have a conversation with Him. No limits! No boundaries! No compromise!
As I continue to burn from the powerful word released yesterday, I have this overwhelming desire to just meditate on the love that God so freely gives us. The joy, safety, comfort, peace, and security that comes with "Total Devotion" is more precious than any words could adequately communicate. But of course, we know He is God alone. I pray that each of our faith levels have skyrocketed to another dimension. The confidence to call those things into existence that seemed so far away. All we have to do is just turn around, and He is right there in our face. We can just have a conversation with Him. No limits! No boundaries! No compromise!
Happy Mother's Day
Hello All,
As we draw closer to this day set aside in honor of Mother's, one cannot help but think about what a mother's love means. There is no words that can adequately describe the lengths and depths that a mother will go for her child. I am so reminded of the sacrifices that my mother made to ensure that each and every one of her children had what was needed, at least to the best of her ability. So, if you have the opportunity, don't let this day pass without letting your mother know how much she means to you. If your biological mother isn't here, love on your spiritual mother. God has a way of filling every empty space in our lives, and He always does it with LOVE.
I hope to see many of you on May 8 at the Ravines. Oh yea! bring your mother as we share some Mother's Day Eve Love.
Enjoy the slide show!!!!
As we draw closer to this day set aside in honor of Mother's, one cannot help but think about what a mother's love means. There is no words that can adequately describe the lengths and depths that a mother will go for her child. I am so reminded of the sacrifices that my mother made to ensure that each and every one of her children had what was needed, at least to the best of her ability. So, if you have the opportunity, don't let this day pass without letting your mother know how much she means to you. If your biological mother isn't here, love on your spiritual mother. God has a way of filling every empty space in our lives, and He always does it with LOVE.
I hope to see many of you on May 8 at the Ravines. Oh yea! bring your mother as we share some Mother's Day Eve Love.
Enjoy the slide show!!!!
Hello Ladies,
Just one question for starters-What are you going to do today, tomorrow and so on..? I think we should follow the example of Pinky and the Brain. They had one goal in life which was to take over the world. I believe we should try to take over the world (for Jesus). That is the premise of an awesome word released through our Pastor. If each of us take our piece (of the world), we will end up with it all. Ready, Set, Let's Go!!!!
Just one question for starters-What are you going to do today, tomorrow and so on..? I think we should follow the example of Pinky and the Brain. They had one goal in life which was to take over the world. I believe we should try to take over the world (for Jesus). That is the premise of an awesome word released through our Pastor. If each of us take our piece (of the world), we will end up with it all. Ready, Set, Let's Go!!!!
Mother's Day Picnic
OK Ladies,
Spring is here and Mother's Day is just around the corner. This is a great time and opportunity for our women, with their children, to get together in a relaxed outdoors environment. So, "Let's get moving". I'm thinking a brown bag lunch or better yet, pack a picnic basket for a fun time, and a walk around the park on Saturday, May 8, from 11a-3p. A $5 per family donation will cover the rental fee for the Ravine Gardens pavilion and drinks. Park entry fees are the responsibility of the individuals.
This will give us a chance to stretch some muscles, enjoy each others company, have lunch and make some future plans. So wear your sneakers and casual attire, get the children, and let's meet at the Garden.
Spring is here and Mother's Day is just around the corner. This is a great time and opportunity for our women, with their children, to get together in a relaxed outdoors environment. So, "Let's get moving". I'm thinking a brown bag lunch or better yet, pack a picnic basket for a fun time, and a walk around the park on Saturday, May 8, from 11a-3p. A $5 per family donation will cover the rental fee for the Ravine Gardens pavilion and drinks. Park entry fees are the responsibility of the individuals.
This will give us a chance to stretch some muscles, enjoy each others company, have lunch and make some future plans. So wear your sneakers and casual attire, get the children, and let's meet at the Garden.
Fellowship Outing
Hi Ladies-let's get out and meet "The Girl Next Door". Actually that's the catchy title for a women conference sponsored by First Assembly of God, right here in Palatka. The Schedule is Friday 3/12/10, with registration from 5-6 p.m. Dinner will be served at 6:15 p.m., and don't miss the word at 8 p.m. "Can You See My Panty Lines?" Saturday morning registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with two speaking sessions before noon. Lunch will be serve at noon and the best is being saved for last at 2:30 p.m. which is "The Girl Next Door." The cost is $20 each day which includes the meals. So come on out and meet me there at least one of the two days. Let's March into fellowship and as always, bring a friend. Remember to remain prayerful one for the other.
See the attached copy of the agenda for complete details and the registration form for your convenience.
Lots of Love
See the attached copy of the agenda for complete details and the registration form for your convenience.
Lots of Love
Women Conference
Hi Ladies,
Game night was lots of fun, even educational. I believe we all walked away with lots of laughs and some new biblical knowledge.
Well, February is almost past which means March is fast approching. Stay tuned for details of the upcoming March event. The time we share together is so important. It is not only an opportunity to enjoy each other's company, but a time for networking. So, prepare to bring your ideas for consideration.
We are moving forward into newness, and it's going to take all of us to reach our destination. With that said, I believe the statement, "Prayer is the Key and Faith unlocks the door" is more than a good sounding cliche. I encourage each of you to spend quality time talking with God, seeking His direction and following His instructions. Remember, we (the ALM family) come together every Saturday at 6 p.m for corporate prayer. I encourage you to join us. As the word of God says: "1 can put a thousand to flight, but 2 put 10,000." Together we can destroy the ememy's camp, and sky rocket into that NEW place in God.
Love you all!!
Game night was lots of fun, even educational. I believe we all walked away with lots of laughs and some new biblical knowledge.
Well, February is almost past which means March is fast approching. Stay tuned for details of the upcoming March event. The time we share together is so important. It is not only an opportunity to enjoy each other's company, but a time for networking. So, prepare to bring your ideas for consideration.
We are moving forward into newness, and it's going to take all of us to reach our destination. With that said, I believe the statement, "Prayer is the Key and Faith unlocks the door" is more than a good sounding cliche. I encourage each of you to spend quality time talking with God, seeking His direction and following His instructions. Remember, we (the ALM family) come together every Saturday at 6 p.m for corporate prayer. I encourage you to join us. As the word of God says: "1 can put a thousand to flight, but 2 put 10,000." Together we can destroy the ememy's camp, and sky rocket into that NEW place in God.
Love you all!!
Hey Ladies,
You stopped by the right place at the right time to get your personal invitation.
It's Friday night and we are all gathering at "The Life" for fun and fellowship. So, you've heard of the game show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire", Well, we've added a twist. So come on out for a chance to test your knowledge. There will be lots of laughs and even prizes for the game winners. Of course, we wouldn't dream of getting together without something to eat--that just wouldn't be the American way. So, put on your thinking caps, pick up a few friends and let's have some fun. Meet you there at 7 pm., and you may leave with some bragging rights.
Do You Know The Answers?
Just know that God is not slack on His promises. The longest roads have an end, and even along the way, there is more than one place provided to turn around. He can and He will!!
What's Next...
Our 1st event will be in February, so Get ready!!! Remember to pray one for the other--somebody is depending on you.
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