Welcome Ladies

What's Going On!!


2012 is here. So many great things have been and are continuing to be planed, so get ready. Stay connected to this site for updates, as there is so much more to come.

When We All Get Together

Hi ladies, Just thinking back on our recent group event. It was an awesome time. Just let me say, thank you for all the time, money, planning and implementing everyone contributed to this awesome event. If any element of the process had been eliminated, it would not have been complete, nor a success. You ladies are the best. Let's build on what we have begun. Together we can reach those that are lost. Much love, Charlotte

May 6, 2012

Renovation in Progress Thanks be to God for caring enough for us not to leave us in ruins. As He told us today, He will tear us down to rebuild. All He (the Master Renovator) needs is a permit. Until we issue the permit, we will not receive the certificate of occupancy. At this point, God is satisfied with the finished product and declares that we are ready to house Him. That is so exciting to me. Let the building begin!!!!!