Welcome Ladies

What's Going On!!


2012 is here. So many great things have been and are continuing to be planed, so get ready. Stay connected to this site for updates, as there is so much more to come.

November 27, 2011

Hi everyone,

I pray everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving holiday. This is that time of year when we spend time with family and reflect on the many things we are thankful for in our lives. I truly enjoyed a great day with my family and some friends. Now we begin to move forward to the "Christ"mas celebration giving thanks for having Christ in our lives. One of the things we like to do is gather for an evening of food, fun and fellowship. Yes, it is time for our "House-to-House women ministry night. This year we decided to have 4 houses instead of 3. In past years, we would meet back at the church for our gift exchange, but decided to do the exchange at the fourth house. The date selected is December 16, which is just shy of 3 weeks from today. We need to confirm 3 of the 4 houses. I encourage some of our new women to consider being a host this year. While considering whether or not you wish to host, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Anywhere from 20-40 attending (we will confirm the total expected with a signup).
You do not have to prepare alone (you can if you want to).
Caroling in neighborhood of one of the houses
Gift exchange (under $15)

House #1 - light finger foods
House #2 - entree
House #3 - dessert
House #4 - gift exchange (tea, coffee, cappachina, etc.)

I'm excited, and hope to have more than enough volunteers. Just text me if interested, and I will followup. :)

Much love,

November 6, 2011

TD Women,

Wednesday night's prayer and intercession was awesome and powerful. During that time, God reminded me that we have not because we ask not, and when we do ask we ask in the wrong way or for the wrong things. We must believe what we say.

Then of course, Sunday morning we were reminded not to be double minded. We cannot have two ways of thinking, and expect to recieve what God has promised. Double minded thinking causes us to be wavery and that is not a stable place to be. Imagine a boat without a sail on the high seas. It just does it's on thing. There is no direction, no set destination and will oftentimes end up in destructive situations. When we allow ouselves to be tossed to and fro, one day we can conquer all, then the next we are not sure if we can make it through the day. We are to be totally devoted, committed, and sold out to God. We are to be steadfast and unmovable. Let's continue to seek wisdom and strive for perfection in our devotion to God. In doing so, not only will we be streghtened and grow, but we will take others with us.

Lord teach us how to be more like you. Help us to recognize where we are and make the changes necessary to seperate from those things that do not bring glory to your name. In Jesus name.