Welcome Ladies

What's Going On!!


2012 is here. So many great things have been and are continuing to be planed, so get ready. Stay connected to this site for updates, as there is so much more to come.

April 2, 2011

Hi Women of TD Nation,

This season of learning how to love like God loves is a perfect opportunity for us to express that love towards one another. Although anytime is a good time for expressions of love, during this time as we celebrate Jesus' resurrection is extra-ordinarily special.
We are planning a springtime house to house gathering and will be visiting three different homes in one evening. At the 1st house, we will share light finger foods. At our second house we will have a main course (heavier finger foods). The 3rd house will serve desserts. At each stop, we will take time to enjoy each others company and have some fun. Who knows, we may do a little hunting. This will also be a good time for brain-storming for future events. Put your thinking caps on and bring your ideas.
So put it on your calendar-Friday April 22, 2011. We will meet at ALM, and caravan to the perspective houses. To all those that's always there, we look forward to a great time as always. To you who have not experienced this awesome style of fellowship, we encourage you all to join us. I promise you will get to know things about those you fellowship with every week, that is not revealed in our Sunday morning/Wednesday night meetings. Let's pack the houses and make this the biggest we have ever had.

We will love like Jesus loves!