Welcome Ladies

What's Going On!!


2012 is here. So many great things have been and are continuing to be planed, so get ready. Stay connected to this site for updates, as there is so much more to come.


There is so much to be done and so little time or resources for doing it-isn't that the story of our lives? Well, with all of those things still going on, here is a short update regarding what's new with ALM women ministry. We have begun to seriously build strong relationships. I pray that each woman who is a member of The Life has been contacted. If not, do not lose hope because you will be. If you have or have not received a call or visit, take A step and reach out to someone else. Our goal is to first build a network from in-house that will move beyond the walls of our building. As you freely receive, freely share with others love, support, prayer, and of course, resources. It's contagious, and it will come back to you.

As always, everyone is invited to join our intercessory prayer group every Saturday evening, 6:00 pm at The Life.

Women ministry meetings, Fellowship and fundraising ideas are forthcoming SOON!!, so get ready-get ready- get ready!!!

August 11, 2010

Hi Ladies,

Let us focus on Praying With Power. God has given it (power) to us, and it works really well when we use it properly. Ephesians 6:18 says: "Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayer for all christians," and don't forget the lost. Enjoy this love letter from our King.

My powerful princess, do not waste your walk through life today. Open your spiritual eyes. Prayer is needed everywhere. Anywhere you walk today I can and will order your steps, if you will let Me. Pray while you're driving, while you're cooking, while you're doing laundry and runing errands. Of all the weapons in the world, prayer is your most powerful resource. Don't let the day begin or end without letting your prayers to Me pave the way in all you do. Wherever you go, remember that part of your royal privilege is raising your voice to heaven. So hold on to the promises that are yours and pray!


Your King and Intercessor.